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NAD Therapy

What is it?

Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) is a coenzyme found in every single cell in your body. Unfortunately, NAD naturally decreases as you age. NAD converts fuel into energy to fulfill several vital functions like muscular movement, blood circulation, DNA repair, metabolism, energy levels, and mitochondrial function. A benefit of delivering NAD through IV infusion is the nutrients totally bypass the digestive system and enter straight to the bloodstream to be used immediately by the cells that need it.


Benefits linked to NAD IV Therapy

Anti-aging effects

Improved cognitive function

Boosts organ function

Aids in chronic stress management

Enhances athletic performance

Boosts immune response to inflammation

Helps combat anxiety and depression

*NAD IV benefits vary among individuals based on personal and health composition.

What To Expect

How long does it take?

NAD + infusion 2-4 hours

How often should I use NAD IV Therapy?

Generally, start with 1-2 times a week for the first 4-6 weeks is recommended to ensure a robust therapeutic response.  

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Studies have found that if you have low NAD, you are more likely to age quicker and are at higher risk of developing metabolic disorders.

Production declines as we age. But also a poor diet, high stress, and other lifestyle issues can contribute to NAD levels dropping.

  • It varies. The minimal dose must be dripped over at least 2 hours or the patient may experience adverse events, such as rapid heartbeat, nausea, and anxiousness.
  • Once the infusion begins kick back, relax in one of our chaise loungers or recliners, read a book, listen to music.
  • NAD is most effective when used regularly over time. The duration and frequency of NAD IV therapy depend on the individual’s health and desired outcome. This will be addressed in your consultation.
  • Generally, start with 1-2 times a week for the first 4-6 weeks is recommended to ensure a robust therapeutic response.  After the initial treatments, a maintenance schedule of every 4-6 weeks may be appropriate.  This varies by individual and if you have a chronic illness it may require more regular therapy.  

Side effects you may experience are nausea, abdominal cramping, and soreness over the injection site.

It can help athletes recover faster and enhance performance by improving muscle health and blood flow.  Also it can help with increased endurance, strength, and agility by supporting the energy production and oxygen delivery to the muscles.

NAD IV therapy has been used as an adjunct treatment for autoimmune diseases such as arthritis and fibromyalgia to improve the quality of life of the patient. The therapy can reduce inflammation and pain in the body by modulating the immune system. It activates the enzymes that prevent and repair DNA damage caused by toxins, stress, or infections.

NAD is usually depleted in conditions like depression and anxiety.  There is a change in brain health at the cellular level that manifests physically in disturbances of mood.  NAD has been shown to boost neurotransmitters that are important for brain cells.  This can be a valuable benefit, but neither medication nor NAD IV therapy alone can fully address the emotional, behavioral, and social facets of complex mental health concerns.

Our Location

141 Township Avenue, Suite 107
Ridgeland, MS 39157

Call Us » (601) 707-5676



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